Why do we drink Tap water?
Natural purification in the Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen:
The Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen are not only a beautiful nature reserve where you can walk. They also let nature do important work here: further purify our water. They first pump the water into a large pond: the distribution pond. The water flows through channels to 40 smaller, elongated ponds: the infiltration channels. They are located on the highest part of the Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen.
In the ponds, the water slowly sinks into the ground. The soil contains not only sand, but also a layer of clay. The water slowly sinks through the sand. Viruses and bacteria remain in the sand. Thanks to the clay layer, the water does not sink too deep.

Some of the water will automatically rise up from the ground in the lower parts of the AWD after about 3 months. They collect this water. They also collect another part of the water from the ground with collecting pipes. They are deep underground. The rainwater that falls in the dunes also ends up here. In total, about 15% of the water comes from the air.
They store all the water in the Oranjekom, which is a large pond. From the pump building at the Oranjekom, the water goes to the factory in Leiduin, near Heemstede. It’s cleaned up there.
This was it! The water has been on the road for more than 3 months before the water company (Waternet) delivers this fresh drinking water to our homes. Waternet delivers one of the finest drinking water in the world. So open the tap and enjoy this fresh brewed drinkingwater!

Interrested in a more detailed article on the website of Waternet? (the original article)
Click this link: https://www.waternet.nl/service-en-contact/drinkwater/waar-komt-ons-drinkwater-vandaan/